Are there any types of tattoos you don't do? (revised 6/22/2020)

Salt & Light Tattoo - Shop Tattoo Policies

Welcome to Salt & Light Tattoo, we are so grateful for your interest in our shop! All people are welcome here. We will tattoo anyone who is over the age of 18, of sound mind and sober. We will never refuse service to someone based on their: race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or disability. We believe in love and equality for all people. However, this does not mean we will tattoo anything you want, anywhere you want it. We love and respect all peoples freedoms to choose their own path and beliefs, including artists freedom to stay true to their beliefs in their work. We sincerely appreciate your understanding on this and we are grateful for the opportunity to tattoo you. We reserve the right to refuse to create tattoos that may be impractical or harmful in nature by location or design, ultimately affecting the quality of the tattoo. We also reserve the right to refuse to offer tattoos that violate our own beliefs. Salt & Light Tattoo does not offer any racist, vulgar, sexually explicit or satanic tattoos. Individual tattoo artists may also reserve the right to not offer certain tattoos in addition to the ones previously listed based on their own personal beliefs. While those beliefs may not necessarily represent those of Salt & Light Tattoo or it’s other staff members, we believe in preserving the rights and freedoms for all artists to make their own choices in regards to what messages they choose to not send within the art they create and the freedom to choose to not participate in creating specific art. We are grateful for your understanding, love and support on this and we look forward to offering you high quality service that is built on the respect and love that all people deserve. Thank you.