How do I take care of my new piercing?

General Instructions: Do not play with or move the jewelry around in your fresh piercing. Your new piercing is going to swell. The jewelry used for the initial piercing is always a little bigger to allow room for swelling. For the next few days your piercing is going to be sore. Avoid sleeping on the pierced area for the next 6-8 weeks. During the healing process make sure to clean your piercing 2-3 times daily for 8-12 weeks. Absolutely no swimming during this period. Showering, of course, is ok and recommended. Do not let others come into contact with your fresh piercing with any bodily parts or fluids. Avoid wearing makeup around the pierced area for a few weeks. For some piercings, loose fitting clothing during healing is recommended for comfort. After the 6-8 week healing processes, we can change the jewelry to a more snug piece of jewelry for you. Although the piercing is healed, even taking the jewelry out for a minute can result in the loss of the piercing all together. It can take anywhere from 8 months to a year to be able to take jewelry out and leave it out for an hour without losing the piercing. After 8-12 weeks, be sure to clean your piercing at least once daily with saline or warm water to avoid risk of future issues. If you experience any issues or are unsure if something may or may not be normal, we urge you to come in immediately and let our piercers take a look at the piercing. We can better assist you properly by seeing in person what the issue may be. Feel free to call or come by anytime if you have any other questions or concerns.

Cleaning Topical Piercings: You will need NeilMed’s Fine Mist Saline solution or dead sea salt. Avoid touching your piercing directly with your hands; if you absolutely have to, make sure your hands are nice and clean by washing them with antibacterial soap and warm water. Take the saline and spray the solution directly on the piercing front and back for 2-3 seconds per side. If you would rather do a dead sea salt soak, mix 1/8th teaspoon of dead sea salt with 1 cup of warm water. Then soak and wipe the front and back of the piercing, not just the jewelry but the entire area.

Cleaning Oral Piercings: You will need Recovery Alcohol Free Mouthwash and a rinse cup. You are going to rinse with the mouthwash two to three times a day for six to eight weeks. Pour about a ¼ to ½ of a cap into a rinse cup and rinse for 20 to 30 seconds. If you feel like you need to rinse your mouth out any additional times feel free too. You do not, however, need to rinse excessively.